Graduation is an exciting time, but it can also be a stressful time. If you're a K12 AD or admin, you know how much information you have to get out there. There are a lot of whens, wheres, & hows when it comes to organizing graduation, and there are a lot of people you have to communicate with.
We're here to show you how Gipper Newsletters can help you organize and distribute key information to everyone from students to parents to staff. Here are four newsletters you can create this graduation season.
Graduation Newsletter #1: Pre-Ceremony Info For the Parents & Families
Let's start off with perhaps the most important newsletter — the one with all the information for parents and families attending.
As you're well aware, parents like to know everything. And they've got a lot of questions. A newsletter filled with info and FAQs is a great place to give them all the answers they're looking for (as best you can).
- Date, time, location
- Where they need to make sure their students are & when
- Parking information (specific lots? overflow?)
- How many family members are allowed to join
- Tickets required?
- How early do you need to arrive to get a seat?
- Where to request special accommodation?
- In need of special assistance of ADA compliance? Tell them where to reach out
- Weather report
- Be prepared for all conditions!
- Back up plan
- Location, date, time
- Expected duration
- Draft agenda
Graduation Newsletter #2: Pre-Ceremony Info for Students
Ok, maybe this is the most important Graduation Newsletter.
There are a lot of logistics that only apply to students on and before graduation day: where to meet, how to know where to sit or where to walk in line, when and where to get your cap and gown.
Putting all the details in one place may not guarantee students retain all the info they need, but at least give you one place to point for answers to questions. Include sections like:
- Date, time, & location of REHEARSAL
- Date, time, & location of ceremony
- Where & when to pick up your cap and gown
- Details on ensuring you're in alphabetical order (and when to get in the right order)
- Run of show/order of events
- Include info for student speakers on where they need to be & when
- Where to seek out help/ask question - list staff who will be helping out
- Other FAQs
Graduation Newsletter #3: Info for Staff & Volunteers
Your staff are likely seasoned vets when it comes to running a smooth graduation. But it never hurts to remind them of graduation logistics and outline any changes from year to year.
Send out a newsletter that tells your staff:
- Who's already locked in to help (and how other staff can get involved if they want to!)
- List of responsibilities and expectations
- Timeline of graduation events
- Meetings, rehearsals, etc
- When communication will go out to students
- When and where to pick up graduation robes
- FAQs
Graduation Newsletter #4: The Ceremony Program
Why print thousands of Graduation programs when you can create one newsletter?
Trade your paper programs for a digital one. Include all the information you would include on a graduation program — the schedule of events, speakers & speeches, list of graduates, etc. — and include it in your newsletter. You can even add photos and other special touches that would take up too much space in print.
When your digital Graduation program is set, generate a custom QR code with the link. Put that QR code on a few posters around your graduation venue, and it's easy for every fan to access on their phones!
The other great thing about Gipper Newsletters is that you can make live updates. Need to change some information last-minute? Don't worry about sending a new email, simply change the information in your Newsletter and publish your updates!
There's a ton of coordination around graduation season, but creating Newsletters for all of your key stakeholders is a fun, fast, and easy way to make sure everyone has the right information in hand.