The K-12 newsletter is a crucial tool for communication with parents, athletes, and other community members. But there is much more to newsletters than standard updates.
Use Gipper Newsletters to create communications for your opponents, coaches, and much more. Here are five different audiences you can create newsletters for!
Keep Your Community Informed with Stories, Updates, Highlights & More
Let's start with the classic, but add a few fun twists.
Your community newsletter is a prime opportunity to share the stories coming out of your department. There's more to your teams than score updates and event schedules. Include stories about your athletes and their accomplishments both on and off the field.
Your newsletter is a chance to use your voice and personality. Don't hide your pride in your athletes and teams — this is your chance to express your excitement!
More importantly, share links so your community can get involved! Create buttons to buy tickets, register events, and read updates on your website. Fans love to be in the know, but they love being in the action more.
Here are some of our favorite sections in "The O:"
Ad to buy yard signs to show school pride!
Highlighting an amazing flag football opportunity
Link to full results on your athletic website
Keep Your Alumni's School Spirit High with Updates & Opportunities Just for Them
Your alumni are still filled with school pride, no matter how long it has been since they walked your halls or played on your fields.
Alumni are some of the most likely to get involved in school events, fundraisers, and volunteer opportunities. Which is why it's incredibly important to keep them in the loop on what's going on in your organization.
So what better way to keep them informed and get them engaged than with a newsletter built just for them?
Here are some great things you can share:
A used jersey sale with funds that go directly to the baseball program
Opportunities to volunteer at summer camps
Schedule AND streaming information for alumni to watch from near and far
Make Event Hosting Easy with a Go-To Resource for Visiting Teams & Spectators
How do you get information to your opponents?
How do you tell your opponents' coaches where they should park the bus? How do you let them know where to enter the building? Do they have locker room access? If they have parents and fans wanting to attend, how will they know your stadium & bag policy?
You can't rely on your fellow AD to distribute this information on your behalf. But you also can't really send comms to the opposing team's fans (nor should you have to).
Enter the "Visitor's Guide" newsletter. It's the easiest way to get need-to-know information to communities beyond your own.
Include logistics like stadium or facility maps, how to enter, where to park, and event schedules. Outline your facility policies, like bag rules.
And, most importantly, include information on where to buy tickets! This is a great opportunity to reach beyond your local fanbase to get more supporters in your stands. Ultimately, traveling opponents can raise funds for your programs.
Ensure Your Coaches Stay in the Loop with Department & Team-Specific Info
At the end of the day, a newsletter is a communication tool. Instead of writing a lengthy email, try a newsletter.
Not only can you share important dates for coaches — think parents information meeting, coaches meeting, booster club key dates — but you can share coaches' content, tips & tricks, and relevant inspiration from other coaches.
Plus, share links to submit important forms, your booster club website, and more. Make it easier than ever for your coaches to take crucial actions (and make your life easier because of it)!
Here's an example. Check out some of our favorite sections:
Highlighting the role that coaches can play in the "student" side of student-athlete
Athlete "leadership" spotlight. A different way to highlight an athlete, and inspiration for other coaches to encourage their athletes
Links to previous newsletters for reference
Share Events & Highlights from the Activities & Academics Side of Your School
The great thing about a Gipper newsletter is the unlimited real estate. Which means you can include updates beyond athletics. Share stories from orchestra, band, and other extracurriculars.
Athletics may often be the most "flashy" way to show off your school, but your students are accomplishing incredible things in many other areas of your organization. Their stories are also important to tell because they can show your community everything your school has to offer.
Ready to open up your newsletter world? Explore Gipper Newsletters and start creating content for your community and beyond.